Returning Hope
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Since 2009, Returning Hope has worked with premier hospitals and clinics in Asia to assist in marketing and distribution of cellular medicine. Leveraging the power of the Internet, Returning Hope also provides a patient portal,, acting as a resource for people seeking stem cell therapy anywhere in the world.

The company is well positioned to help early stage stem cell technology companies market their products and services in Asia. Through its interdisciplinary team of individuals, Returning Hope assists hospitals and doctors with Regenerative Medicine Technologies aimed at improving the lives of patients by helping them find the best treatment available and information about their condition.

Returning Hope Returning Hope Returning Hope

Individuals that suffer from ailments and illnesses that damage their tissues and organs have few options for medical treatment. Although organ donation is a viable option, there is a worldwide shortage of organs available for donation compared to the number of patients that require life-saving organ transplantation. In underdeveloped and developing countries deceased organ donation programmes are impeded by sociocultural, legal and other external factors. Developed countries, while experiencing higher deceased organs donation rates than in under developed and developing countries, experience higher demand than in other countries. In some cases, the universal shortage of donors has created a black market for the purchase and sale of transplant organs from live donors.

Regenerative Medicine Technologies allow damaged tissues and organs in the body to be repaired or regenerated by stimulating the body's own repair mechanisms. They provide scientists with the ability to grow tissues and organs in the laboratory and safely implant them when the body cannot heal itself. Regenerative Medicine Technologies can potentially solve the problem of organ transplant rejection since the organ's cells are acquired from the patient's own tissue or cells.

Stem cell technology can improve the lives of those affected by various ailments and diseases including aging, diabetes, baldness, ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease), arthritis, ataxia, autism, brain injuries, breast augmentation and reconstruction, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, eye diseases, hearing loss, liver cirrosis /disease, lung disease, MSA, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, optical diseases, visual impairment, Parkinson’s disease, retinitis pigmentosa, spinal cord injuries, heart strokes, traumatic brain injuries amongst others.

Stem Cell Therapy is performed by qualified healthcare practitioners and is approved in their local countries to practice their Medical Specialty. Their credentials are available on our website and patients’ members are free to discuss their expertise and medical training. Returning Hope also partners with patient foundations and organizations that provide unbiased feedback to its visitors seeking information about their specific conditions, the financial support as well as the outcome of therapy. Returning Hope plays an important role in patient education by supplying patient testimonials, video clips and personal accounts of treatment to these groups in an effort to find the best care for patients today.

Returning Hope helps connect patients and healers together online to better understand the rapidly growing field of Regenerative Medicine using Stem Cell Therapy.